risk factors

Last reviewed 01/2018

Risk factors associated with UTIs include:

  • bladder outlet obstruction
  • anatomic functional abnormalities of the urinary tract with incomplete bladder emptying (e.g., neurogenic bladder, vesicoureteric reflux)
  • previous urinary tract surgery
  • recent procedures: cystoscopy, catheterization, or transrectal prostate biopsy (1)
  • immunocompromised state
  • institutional care
  • age >65 years (1)
  • homosexuality - exposure to E.coli through anal intercourse
  • lack of circumcision - associated with an enhanced colonization of the prepuce and glans by E.coli
  • sexual partner with vaginal colonization by uropathogens (2)
  • CD4 lymphocyte count of less than 200 per cubic millimetre
  • general predisposing factors (see menu)

Intercourse with an infected partner, anal intercourse and lack of circumcision have been associated with acute uncomplicated UTI’s (2).
