thyroidectomy (post-operative haemorrhage)

Last reviewed 01/2018

Post thyroidectomy bleeding may present with:

  • laboured breathing
  • tachycardia
  • neck swelling


  • administer oxygen
  • arrange for an anaesthetist and a senior surgeon to be present when the patient is returned to theatre - delegate this task whilst you attend to the patient
  • remove wound dressings and inspect wound for swelling/bleeding; IGNORE the drains, they may block and are therefore of no use in assessing post-operative bleeding
  • remove the skin sutures/staples: there will be a pair of scissors next to the patient
  • remove the deeper sutures from platysma and the strap muscles to expose the thyroid bed
  • evacuate any clot
  • if the patient does not gain relief the obstruction may be due to oedema, so either:
    • intubate
    • perform an emergency tracheostomy through the crico-thyroid membrane