salmonella carrier (S. typhi & S. paratyphi)

Last reviewed 01/2018

All patients with typhoid and paratyphoid excrete the organisms at some stage during their illness

  • about 10% of patients with typhoid excrete S. typhi for at least three months following the acute illness and 2–5% become long-term carriers (more than one year). The likelihood of becoming a chronic carrier increases with age, especially in females and those with biliary tract abnormality.

Chronic urinary carriage tends to only occur in the presence of urinary tract abnormalities, and in countries where schistosomiasis is endemic, this may be significant.

The V1 antibody is present in approximately 70% of carriers (at 1:5 dilution). This antibody occurs in only about 1% of the UK population.


  1. Immunisation Against Infectious Disease - "The Green Book".Chapter 33 Typhoid (August 2006).
  2. Mandal, BH (1992), Salmonella Infections, Medicine International, 105, 4393-4397.