lymphoma (stomach, non-Hodgkin's)
Last reviewed 06/2021
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is the commonest non-epithelial malignant neoplasm of the stomach, accounting for about 3% of all gastric neoplasms. Helicobacter pylori is associated with the development of gastric lymphoma.
Presentation is usually late. Symptoms are often non-specific for example anorexia and weight loss.
Contrast radiography may show anything from a large tumour mass to accentuated rugae.
Treatment is dependent upon staging:
- if the tumour is confined to the stomach:
- radical resection is indicated
- this may be followed by radio- and chemotherapy
- lymph node involvement:
- radiotherapy and chemotherapy are indicated
- low-grade primary gastric lymphomas may completely regress after eradication of H. pylori infection
The prognosis is better for gastric lymphoma - 40-50% five year survival compared to those sited more distally in the gastrointestinal tract.