urological history

Last reviewed 01/2018

The patient may complain of the following symptoms:

  • obstructive symptoms:
    • hesitancy: a delay initiating micturition
    • poor flow
    • intermitency: inability to maintain a continuous flow
    • terminal dribbling
    • pis-en-deux: residual urine results in a desire to pass urine soon after voiding

  • irritative symptoms:
    • dysuria: burning on micturition
    • urgency: the sudden intense desire to micturate
    • frequency
    • nocturia: more than one micturition per night

  • incontinence:
    • stress incontinence: precipitated by physical activity
    • urge incontinence: as a result of urinary urgency
    • continuous incontinence

  • renal and ureteric colic:
    • felt in the loin
    • colicky pain: comes in waves
    • strangury
    • due to obstruction of the kidney or ureters

  • male sexual dysfunction:
    • impotence
    • retrograde ejaculation