Kisspeptin in Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) in men

Last edited 03/2023 and last reviewed 04/2023

Kisspeptin in Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorde (HSDD)

  • neuropeptide kisspeptin is a crucial endogenous activator of the reproductive system, with extensive distribution throughout the rodent and human brain (1)
    • is known that kisspeptin, acting centrally via the kisspeptin receptor, stimulates secretion of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH)
    • loss of kisspeptin signaling causes hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in humans and other mammals (2)
      • kisspeptin interacts with other neuropeptides such as neurokinin B and dynorphin, to regulate GnRH pulse generation
    • evidence from animal models reveals that kisspeptin signaling has key roles in modulating reproductive behavior, including sexual motivation and erections (1)
      • evidence shows that kisspeptin administration substantially modulates sexual brain processing in men with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorde (HSDD), with associated increases in penile tumescence and behavioral measures of sexual desire and arousal (1)
