maintenance treatment in acne vulgaris

Last edited 08/2021 and last reviewed 11/2021

Maintenance treatment in acne vulgaris

Encourage continued appropriate skin care

  • advise people with acne to use a non-alkaline (skin pH neutral or slightly acidic) synthetic detergent (syndet) cleansing product twice daily on acne-prone skin
  • advise people with acne who use skin care products (for example, moisturisers) and sunscreens to avoid oil-based and comedogenic preparations
  • advise people with acne who use make-up to avoid oil-based and comedogenic products, and to remove make-up at the end of the day
  • advise people that persistent picking or scratching of acne lesions can increase the risk of scarring

Explain to the person with acne that, after completion of treatment, maintenance treatment is not always necessary.

Explain to the person with acne that, after completion of treatment, maintenance treatment is not always necessary.

Consider maintenance treatment in people with a history of frequent relapse after treatment.

Consider a fixed combination of topical adapalene and topical benzoyl peroxide as maintenance treatment for acne. If this is not tolerated, or if 1 component of the combination is contraindicated, consider topical monotherapy with adapalene, azelaic acid, or benzoyl peroxide
