injection or aspiration of pes anserine bursa

Last edited 05/2019

Anserine Bursitis

Based on contributions from Dr Elspeth Wise and Dr Alan Walker on behalf of the Primary Care Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Medicine Society

  • the anserine bursa is located inferiorly to the knee joint on the medial aspect of the upper calf beneath the conjoined tendons of sartorius, gracilis and semi-tendinosis at the level of the tibial tuberosity

  • when present, patients may complain of an aching pain on the medial aspect of the knee and localized tenderness to palpation

  • the bursa is injected at the central point of the tender area with the patient either sitting or resting on an examination couch

Three muscles to Pes Anserine bursa - standing


Three muscles to Pes Anserine bursa - seated


Pes anserine bursa - surface anatomy


Pes Anserine bursa site - labelled


Key to acronyms:

Bursitis of the knee video - different types of bursitis
