follow - up after result from NHS screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

Last reviewed 01/2018

Follow-up Protocol from UK AAA screening programme

Result Follow-up Primary Care

Normal (985 in 1,000 men)

  • Aortic diameter Less than 3cm
  • No aneurysm detected

No treatment or further scans required

Man discharged from screening programme

GP informed of outcome by letter

Small or medium aneurysm (14 in 1,000 men)

  • Aortic diameter measures:
    • 3 to 4.4cm (Small aneurysm)
    • 4.5 to 5.4cm (Medium aneurysm)

Man offered yearly surveillance

Man offered three monthly surveillance

Appointment with nurse practitioner/ vascular nurse offered at or before first surveillance scan

GP is informed, by letter, of the outcomes of screening and appointment with nurse

Review and prescribing of medication may be appropriate

Patient may require regular blood pressure monitoring

Steps patient can take which may slow growth of the aneurysm:

  • Eat a healthy balanced diet and reduce intake of fatty foods
  • Stop smoking
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Take regular exercise

Large aneurysm (1 in 1,000 men)

  • Aortic diameter 5.5cm or above
Man referred to consultant vascular surgeon within defined and agreed Screening Programme Vascular Network by screening programme coordinator

GP informed by phone call/fax and then by letter

Steps patient can take in advance of potential treatment:

  • Eat a healthy balanced diet and reduce intake of fatty foods
  • Stop smoking
  • Maintain a healthy weight


  • NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme - Information for health professionals (Accessed 23/9/2014).