congenital haemangioma

Last reviewed 01/2018

These are rare vascular tumours that are fully developed at birth in contrast to the common infantile haemangiomas (such as superficial infantile haemangioma e.g. strawberry naevus type). They do not grow disproportionately to the infant's growth.

The incidence of congenital haemangiomas does not differ according to sex.

The tumours average about 5-6 cm in diameter at birth (1).

Two types are recognised (1):

    • rapidly involuting congenital haemangioma (RICH)
      • regresses around 10-14 months of age. It is a protuberant, hemispherical, violaceous tumour that often has a central depression, scar, or ulceration
    • noninvoluting congenital haemangioma (NICH)
      • never regresses, grows proportionately with the child and has fast-flow characteristics. It is well-circumscribed, plaque-like, or slightly bossed with telangiectasia and often has a central or peripheral pallor.
  • GLUT-1 is negative in both (1) - in contrast to the high positivity seen in infantile haemangiomas.
