soft tissue abnormalities

Last reviewed 01/2018

Soft tissue abnormalities in congenital radial aplasia depend on the degree of severity of the anomaly. However, typical clinical features can include:

  • increasing stiffuness of digits, from ulnar to radial side of the hand
  • skin deficiency on radial side of hand with relative excess on ulnar side
  • hypoplastic, absent or fused musculotendinous units; extensors are mainly affected:
    • extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
    • brachioradialis
    • abductor pollicis longus
    • extensor pollicis longus and brevis
    • extensor digitorum communis
    • flexor pollicis longus
    • flexor carpi radialis
  • absent radial artery
  • nerve abnormalities:
    • absent radial or musculocutaneous nerves
    • median nerve innervates areas normally supplied by radial and musculocutaneous nerves; a median nerve branch that has replaced the superficial branch of the radial nerve can make release of radial soft tissue more difficult due to its anomalous and superficial course