
Last reviewed 01/2018

In the Developed World setting, 1% of all adults will have a chronic leg ulcer at some point in their lifetime.

Prevalence of leg ulcers in the UK is estimated to be between 1.5 and 3 per 1,000 population (1).

  • a systemic review of prevalence studies for leg ulcers reported an increase in prevalence with age and in women
  • prevalence is not influenced by social class, however ulcers tend to take longer to heal in lower socioeconomic classes (1).

Incidence of ulceration is thought to be rising due to aging population and increased risk factors for atherosclerotic occlusion such as smoking, obesity, and diabetes (2).

Leg ulceration is frequently seen in the elderly population:

  • it affect 0.6–3% of those aged over 60 years, increasing to over 5% of those aged over 80 years
  • in the USA      
    • around 15% of older adults suffer from chronic wounds, including predominantly venous stasis ulcers, pressure ulcers (bedsores), and diabetic (neuropathic) foot ulcers (1,2)
  • 80% of chronic ulcers are treated within the community with intensive treatment targeted at the cause
  • the majority of ulcers may heal but recurrence rates may be as high as 75%
