tongue tie (tongue tied )

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • a review has been undertaken to review the presenting features of tongue-tie in childhood and indications for frenulotomy, drawing conclusions from a retrospective study of patients encountered in paediatric surgical practice and from the literature
  • the review concluded that there is no place for division of tongue-tie without anaesthesia in the newborn. Speech difficulties related to tongue-tie are over-rated and mechanical problems are underestimated
    • the indications for frenulotomy include articulation difficulties confirmed by a speech pathologist, mechanical limitations such as inability to lick the lips, to perform internal oral toilet or play a wind instrument
    • there may be rare instances in infancy where problems with feeding and suction can be helped by frenulotomy but evidence for this is anecdotal
    • operation requires general anaesthesia except in older, co-operative teenagers in whom local anaesthetic is appropriate



  1. J Paediatr Child Health. 1995 Aug;31(4):276-8