hyperlipidaemia ( secondary causes of)

Last reviewed 10/2023

Some examples of conditions associated with a secondary hyperlipidaemia include:

  • nephrotic syndrome - chol ++ TG (+)
  • hypothyroidism - chol ++ TG +
  • biliary obstruction - chol+ TG (+)
  • pregnancy - chol +
  • myeloma - chol+
  • porphyria - chol +
  • steroids - chol+ TG +
  • obesity - chol + TG +
  • diabetes mellitus - chol (+) TG ++
  • renal failure - TG +
  • excess ethanol intake - TG ++
  • beta blockers - TG +
  • thiazide diuretics - TG + chol +
  • isotretinoin - TG+
  • oral contraceptive pill - TG+
  • lipodystrophies - TG+
  • glycogen storage disease - TG+

Key: chol = cholesterol; TG = triglycerides; + = increase;