driving and blepharospasm

Last edited 06/2019

Group 1 entitlement:

  • Must not drive and must notify the DVLA.
  • Driving is not usually licensed if the condition is severe and affects vision, even if treated.
  • A consultant specialist's opinion will be sought by the DVLA.
  • Driving may be licensed if the condition is mild, subject to return of satisfactory medical reports.
  • Control of mild blepharospasm with botulinum toxin may lead to licensing if the treatment does not produce side effects that are otherwise disqualifying, such as uncontrollable diplopia.
  • The DVLA should be informed of any change - and any deterioration in condition must be notified

For more details guidance may be obtained from the publication "At a Glance Guide to the Current Medical Standards of Fitness to Drive" and the website www.dvla.gov.uk.
