clinical features

Last reviewed 01/2018

The clinical symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome include:

  • pain:
    • allodynia or hyperalgesia
    • out of proportion to the severity of the original injury
    • frequently described as 'burning'
    • progressive
  • restlessness
  • stiffness in affected joints
  • altered hair growth
  • skin colour changes, due to alterations in skin blood flow
  • swollen limb

Clinical signs include evidence of abnormal sudomotor activity:

  • warmth of limb
  • excessive sweating
  • stiffness
  • oedematous limb, described as 'brawny'
  • dry skin
  • nail changes

Usually, the symptoms and signs are in the same limb as a preceding injury; sometimes they are in the distribution of just one peripheral nerve.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of pain, autonomic disturbance and functional impairment. However, other causes of pain and loss of function in the limb must be excluded first.