comparison of bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa

Last reviewed 11/2020

Key: Anorexia Nervosa (AN); Bulimia Nervosa (BN)

  • characteristic attitudes to shape and weight: +++ AN; +++ BN

Weight control behaviour:

  • extreme dieting: +++ AN; ++ BN
  • self-induced vomiting: + AN; ++ BN
  • misuse of purgatives or diuretics: + AN; ++ BN
  • overexercising: +++ AN; + BN
  • bulimic episodes: + AN; +++ BN

Other features:

  • preoccupation with eating, shape and weight: +++ AN; +++ BN
  • anxiety when eating: +++ AN; ++ BN
  • ritualistic eating habits: ++ AN; - BN
  • body shape misperception: ++ AN; + BN

General psychopathology:

  • depressed mood: + AN; +++ BN
  • pathological guilt: + AN; +++ BN
  • anxiety symptoms: + AN; ++ BN
  • obsessional features: ++ AN; ++ BN
  • social withdrawal: ++ AN; - BN

Personality characteristics:

  • low self esteem: +++ AN; +++ BN
  • perfectionism: +++ AN; ++ BN
  • obsessional traits: ++ AN; - BN

Marked weight loss: +++ AN; - BN