
Last edited 12/2018

Initial assessment refers to assessment carried out in any setting by a healthcare professional without specific training in managing LUTS in men (1)

  • at initial assessment, ask men with bothersome LUTS to complete a urinary frequency volume chart

  • offer men with LUTS a urine dipstick test to detect blood, glucose, protein, leucocytes and nitrites

  • NICE suggest that men with LUTS a serum creatinine test at initial assessment (plus estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] calculation) only if suspect renal impairment (for example, the man has a palpable bladder, nocturnal enuresis, recurrent urinary tract infections or a history of renal stones)
    • - 80% of renal function must be lost before creatinine rises
  • cystoscopy should not be routinely offered to men with uncomplicated LUTS (that is, without evidence of bladder abnormality) at initial assessment


  • other investigations often undertaken in primary care include:
    • FBC - especially if contemplating surgery
    • MSU - microscopy and culture to exclude UTI
    • prostate specific antigen (PSA)
