
Last reviewed 01/2018

With the discovery of improved methods of diagnosis in retinoblastoma, prognosis of both life and vision has improved significantly in recent years (1).

In general, prognosis for life and vision is affected by age at diagnosis and age at treatment.

  • 3 year survival rate is higher in patients who are diagnosed before 2 years of age than those diagnosed at 2 years or older
  • patients who are diagnosed at an older age usually present with advanced tumours. In these patients the amount of useful vision and mortality is adversely affected  by the increased risk of extraocular extension or metastasis and intensive treatment regimens are required (1) 

Unilateral tumours have a 80% survival rate. Bilateral and advanced cases have a survival rate that falls to below 40%.

Familial retinoblastoma is an example of a familial cancer syndrome causing sarcoma.
