Jones' criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever

Last reviewed 01/2018

Evidence of a recent streptococcal infection, and the presence of two major, or one major and two minor Jones criteria indicates a high probability of rheumatic fever.

However, in some situations, RF can be diagnosed without fulfillment of the Jones' criteria:

  • chorea - if other causes have been excluded and there is evidence of a preceding streptococcal infection
  • insidious or late onset carditis - if there is no other explanation for the development of carditis and there is evidence of preceding streptococcal infection
  • rheumatic recurrence:
    • this diagnosis can be made if there is documented rheumatic heart disease and the presence of one other criterion - or arthralgia, fever, and an increase in acute phase markers
    • these features are suggestive of a recurrence
    • recent streptococcal infection must be demonstrated