
Last reviewed 10/2020


  • Gram negative and Gram positive infections including shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, neisseria, pseudomonas and some mycobacteria. It has only moderate activity against Gram positive bacteria such as Strep influenzae and faecalis. It is active against some mycobacteria and chlamydia. The majority of anaerobic infections are not susceptible to ciprofloxacin


  • drug interactions
    • theophylline levels increase with concurrent ciprofloxacin
    • warfarin and other anticoagulants:
      • bleeding time increases
      • monitor creatinine with cyclosporin
  • epilepsy and history of CNS disorders
  • patients with AIDS - anaphylaxis has been reported
  • alkalinity of urine
  • inadequate fluid intake
  • renal impairment
  • Pregnancy and breast feeding
  • G6PD deficiency
  • children and growing adolescents - ciprofloxacin is contra-indicated except where the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks

Routes of administration:

  • oral
  • tablets
  • i.v. infusion
  • eye drops

The summary of product characteristics should be consulted before prescribing this drug.