
Last reviewed 01/2018

The investigation of encephalitis should include:

  • a physical examination - which includes a detailed neurological examination
  • a medical history - activities of the past several days (to detect any contact with insects, animals or recent travel) (1)

  • throat swabs, stool culture
  • CT - a late sign is bilateral low density regions in both temporal lobes seen with herpes simplex encephalitis; not very useful for early diagnosis, but essential before lumbar puncture
  • MRI - most sensitive investigation method in patients with encephalitis (2)
  • lumbar puncture after CT screening: usually shows raised protein and lymphocytic pleocytosis - identify organism; polymerase chain reaction now available at specialist centres for identification of organism. There may be oligoclonal bands in the CSF (3)
  • viral and immunological studies of serum and CSF; paired studies are required to show rising titres.
  • EEG - in herpetic encephalitis, the EEG shows diffuse slowing with periodic discharges; this is more useful than a CT scan in the first week.
