fibroadenoma of breast

Last reviewed 01/2018

While often considered a benign neoplasm, fibroadenomas may be thought of as aberrations of normal development. Unlike neoplasms breast fibroadenomas develop from a whole lobule rather than a single cell, and like normal breast tissue they remain responsive to hormonal control. Fibroadenomas are composed of both fibrous and glandular tissue.

Fibroadenomas are common and account for 13% of all symptomatic breast lumps. They are most common in women in their second or third decade, accounting for 60% of breast lumps in this younger population.

Fibroadenomas are thought to result from an increased sensitivity to oestrogen.

Most fibroadenomas do not enlarge after diagnosis.


  1. NICE (June 2005).Interstitial laser therapy for fibroadenomas of the breast.
  2. Dixon JM, Mansel RE. BMJ 1994; 309:797-800.