counselling process

Last reviewed 01/2018

The counselling process is designed to enable the patient (or client) to make his own decision or be able to adapt to the challenge which he faces.

The counsellor allows the patient to clarify and examine the issues faced. In this process there may be a release of emotions, for example, grief. The client is then helped to make a specific decision or to come to terms with his change in circumstances.

Points about the Process:-

  • the counselling is non directive - the counsellor does not instruct the client, advise him, or offer answers.
  • the counsellor must listen to, emphasize with and accept the client
  • the counsellor must be skilled in facilitation techniques in order to allow the patient to express his thoughts concerning sometimes painful issues
  • the counsellor is in effect a sounding board during the counselling process
  • usually the patient comes to some decision themselves