clinical features

Last reviewed 11/2021

Symptoms of the disease usually last for 7 to 10days (1).

  • it begins with a prodrome of sore throat, dysphagia, pyrexia of 38 to 39 degrees centigrade, poor appetite and malaise for one or two days (2)
  • mouth lesions - appears one or two days after the fever
    • vesicles are seen in the oral cavity, on the buccal mucosa and sides of the tongue
    • these vesicles begin as small red spots which form bullae and ulcerate (3)
  • skin lesions
    • seen in around 75% of cases (3)
    • a typical eruption appears on the hands and feet, and in small children occasionally on the buttocks
    • the lesions consist of tender papules and clear vesicles with a surrounding zone of erythema
