
Last reviewed 01/2018

  • 75% are squamous cell carcinoma - usually arising from the squamo-columnar junction
  • 20-25% are adenocarcinoma - arising from endocervical glands in the endocervical mucosa - or mixed adenosquamous carcinoma
  • less than 1% are due to melanoma, sarcoma, lymphoma

The time sequence from pre-invasive cervical carcinoma to invasive cervical carcinoma is difficult to estimate. An approximate sequence would be:

  • 20 years from CIN to invasive carcinoma
  • 10 years from microinvasive to invasive carcinoma

However, recent studies suggest that this sequence of events is becoming more rapid.

Untreated, it is estimated that about 20-30% of patients with CIN3 would eventually develop invasive carcinoma.