Last reviewed 01/2018
Intertrigo is a skin disorder caused by the macerating effects of heat, moisture and friction. Most often seen in the groin, axillae or in inframammary folds (1).
Aetiological factors include:
- past history of seborrhoeic dermatitis
- infection with Candida albicans
- diabetes mellitus
- obesity
- poor hygiene
- humid climate
Characteristically intertigo presents as mild erythema which can be seen initially as red plaques on each side of the affected skin fold (in a mirror image fashion). The patient complains of itching, stinging and burning (1). As the erythema progresses features of a more intense inflammation may develop e.g. - erosions, oozing, fissures, exudation, maceration, and crusting (1).
The moist and damaged skin predisposes to secondary skin infections (1).
Examination reveals red, weeping skin at the site of moist skin folds.
Treatment includes:
- drying the skin with talcum powder
- patients should use light, absorbent cloths and keep away from nylon or other synthetic fabrics
- topical treatment with antifungals (which may be combined with a steroid cream) eg trimovate
- oral antibacterial or antifungal therapy may also be indicated (1).
Click here for an example image of intertrigo