drug-induced hypertrichosis

Last reviewed 01/2018

Causes include:

  • streptomycin - increased hair growth in children (of both sexes) has been reported
  • diphenylhydantoin - hypertrichosis seen more in females
  • corticosteroids - facial hypertrichosis may result from prolonged or intensive therapy
  • penicillamine - associated with hypertrichosis affecting the trunk and limbs
  • psoralens - may induce temporary hypertrichosis on light-exposed areas
  • diazoxide - hypertrichosis occurs in 50-100% of children treated. However less than 1% of adults develop hypertrichosis. This drug may cause hypertrichosis via vasodilatory action
  • minoxidil - also a potent vasodilator
  • cyclosporin A - results in an increase in hair growth in 44% of patients treated. Hypertrichosis is reversible on discontinuation of therapy.
  • interferon- alpha
  • phenytoin
  • spironolactone
  • zidovudine
