family history

Last reviewed 01/2018

Family history in the paediatric clerking should be based on a drawing of a family tree and include details of:

  • parents - age, health, height, occupation, whether they smoke
  • siblings - age, health

Note that with some families the tree may become very complex; it is important to take time and space to do this properly. It is also worth asking the people present who they are; it may be slightly embarrassing to ask a person if they are the child's parent, but it is more embarrassing to mistake a neighbour or grandparent for a parent.

Other details which should be added include:

  • illnesses in the family, including tuberculosis, diabetes, epilepsy, and any condition likely to be related to the presenting complaint.
  • details of housing
  • schooling
  • relationship with peers and siblings
  • any pets at home