clinical presentation

Last reviewed 01/2018


Presentation of amblyopia differs on whether it is unilateral or bilateral:

  • unilateral loss
    • parents may not detect unless a visible condition such as strabismus is present
    • may result in failure to develop stereopsis (depth perception)
    • newborns may commonly present with variable ocular misalignment, but presence beyond the age of 3 months or constant misalignment requires further assessment

  • bilateral loss
    • patient may present with
      • nystagmus
      • absence of 'eye contact'
      • delayed milestones of visual or motor development

Further assessment is recommended without delay in patients who do not reach visual developmental milestones e.g. –

  • fixes and follows light source                                                    at 6 weeks
  • smiles responsively                                                                  at 6-8 weeks
  • fixes and follows slowly moving objects or faces                      at 3 months
  • reaches accurately for objects in visual environment                 at 6 months
