weight loss in adults - NICE urgent cancer referral guidance

Last edited 09/2020

Weight loss

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss (unexplained) Several, including colorectal, gastro-oesophageal, lung, prostate, pancreatic or urological cancer

Carry out an assessment for additional symptoms, signs or findings that may help to clarify which cancer is most likely

Offer urgent investigation or a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within 2 weeks)


Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation

Weight loss (unexplained) aged 60 or over with any of the following:

  • diarrhoea
  • back pain
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation new-onset diabetes
Pancreatic consider urgent direct access CT scan


Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss (unexplained) with abdominal pain, 40 and over Colorectal Refer people using a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within 2 weeks)

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss (unexplained) with rectal bleeding in adults under 50 Colorectal Consider a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within 2 weeks)

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss (unexplained) without rectal bleeding, 50 and over Colorectal

Offer testing for occult blood in faeces

See primary care investigations for more information on tests for occult blood in faeces (faecal immunochemical testing)

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss (unexplained), 40 and over, ever smoked Lung or mesothelioma Offer a chest X-ray

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss (unexplained), 40 and over, exposed to asbestos Mesothelioma Offer a chest Xray

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss with cough or fatigue or shortness of breath or chest pain or appetite loss (unexplained), 40 and over, never smoked Lung or mesothelioma Offer a chest Xray

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss with unexplained splenomegaly in adults Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Consider a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within 2 weeks). When considering referral, take into account any associated symptoms

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss with unexplained lymphadenopathy in adults Hodgkin's lymphoma or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Consider a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within 2 weeks). When considering referral, take into account any associated symptoms

Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss with upper abdominal pain or reflux or dyspepsia, 55 and over Oesophageal or stomach Offer urgent direct access upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (to be performed within 2 weeks)


Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss (unexplained) in women Ovarian

Measure serum CA125 in primary care


Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss with diarrhoea or back pain or abdominal pain or nausea or vomiting or constipation or new-onset diabetes, 60 and over Pancreatic Consider an urgent direct access CT scan (to be performed within 2 weeks), or an urgent ultrasound scan if CT is not available


Symptom and Specific Features Possible Cancer Recommendation
Weight loss with raised platelet count or nausea or vomiting, 55 and over Oesophageal or stomach Consider non-urgent direct access upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
