modified Westley clinical scoring system for croup

Last reviewed 12/2022

The modified Westley clinical scoring system for croup

  • Inspiratory stridor:
    • Not present - 0 points
    • When agitated/active - 1 point
    • At rest - 2 points
  • Intercostal recession:
    • Mild - 1 point
    • Moderate - 2 points
    • Severe - 3 points
  • Air entry:
    • Normal - 0 points
    • Mildly decreased -1 point
    • Severely decreased - 2 points
  • Cyanosis:
    • None - 0 points
    • With agitation/activity - 4 points
    • At rest - 5 points
  • Level of consciousness:
    • Normal - 0 points
    • Altered - 5 points

Total Possible Score 0-17:

  • <4=mild croup, 4-6=moderate croup, >6=severe croup
