clinical features of swine flu

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • Patients with disease may present with
      • flu like symptoms - fever{ >=38 degC ] or history of fever
      • flu-like illness (two or more of the following symptoms: cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea, limb/joint pain, headache)

    • additionally some patients may present with vomiting and diarrhoea (1,2)

    • in young children typical influenza symptoms (e.g., fever and cough) may be absent. Fever and lethargy might be the presenting symptoms in infants and may not have cough or other respiratory symptoms or signs (3)

    • Severe disease in children may present with:
      • apnoea
      • tachypnoea
      • dyspnoea
      • cyanosis
      • dehydration
      • altered mental status
      • extreme irritability (3)
