exercise - groups in which benefit of moderate-vigourous exercise does not outweigh risks

Last reviewed 03/2022

Note that:

  • benefits of regular moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity far outweigh the risks except in those with the following conditions:
    • symptomatic severe aortic stenosis
    • acute pulmonary embolus or pulmonary infarction
    • acute myocarditis or pericarditis
    • suspected or known dissecting aneurysym
    • resting SBP >= 180mmHG / DBP >=100 mmHG
    • uncontrolled / unstable angina
    • acute uncontrolled psychiatric illness
    • osteoporosis (T score >=2.5)
    • experiences significant drop in BP during exercise
    • uncontrolled resting tachycardia >=100 bpm
    • unstable or acute heart failure
    • uncontrolled diabetes
    • new or uncontrolled arrhythmias
    • experiences chest pain, dizziness or excessive breathlessness during exertion


Intensity of exercise Type of exercise Examples
Light aerobic Normal walking, walking downstairs, bowling, general housework: vacuum cleaning carpets, mopping floors
Moderate aerobic Brisk walking (3- 4.5 mph), lawn mowing, cycling (5-9 mph), low impact aerobic dance, social dancing, swimming
Vigorous aerobic for some, anaerobic for others Fast walking >=5mph; cycling >=10mph; high impact aerobics, playing competitive sports, circuit weight training, heavy digging for others or yard work; heavy housework,moving furniture


  • (1) British Heart Foundation Factfile (September 2008). Physical activity to reduce cardiovascular risk.