factors predisposing women to chronic pelvic pain

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • a systematic review has been undertaken to evaluate factors predisposing women to chronic and recurrent pelvic pain
  • with respect to dysmenorrhoea - associated factors were:
    • age < 30 years
    • low body mass index
    • smoking
    • earlier menarche (< 12 years)
    • longer cycles
    • heavy menstrual flow
    • nulliparity
    • premenstrual syndrome
    • sterilisation
    • clinically suspected pelvic inflammatory disease
    • sexual abuse
    • psychological symptoms
    • factors that were negatively associated with dysmenorrhoea were:
      • younger age at first childbirth
      • exercise
      • oral contraceptives
  • with respect to dyspareunia - associated factors were:
    • menopause
    • pelvic inflammatory disease
    • sexual abuse
    • anxiety
    • depression
  • with respect to non-cyclical pelvic pain - associated factors were:
    • drug or alcohol abuse
    • miscarriage
    • heavy menstrual flow
    • pelvic inflammatory disease
    • previous caesarean section
    • pelvic pathology
    • abuse
    • psychological comorbidity


  1. Latthe P et al. Factors predisposing women to chronic pelvic pain: systematic review. BMJ. 2006 Apr 1;332(7544):749-55.