review and specialist referral

Last edited 09/2018

  • all individuals with epilepsy should have a regular structured review. In children, this review should be carried out at least yearly (but may be between 3 and 12 months by arrangement) by a specialist. In adults, this review should be carried out at least yearly by either a generalist or specialist, depending on how well the epilepsy is controlled and/or the presence of specific lifestyle issues
  • at the review, individuals should have access to: written and visual information; counselling services; information about voluntary organisations; epilepsy specialist nurses; timely and appropriate investigations; referral to tertiary services, including surgery if appropriate
  • if seizures are not controlled and/or there is diagnostic uncertainty or treatment failure, individuals should be referred to specialist services within four weeks for further assessment.


  1. NICE (October 2004).The epilepsies: the diagnosis and management of the epilepsies in adults and children in primary and secondary care.
  2. NICE (April 2018). Epilepsies: diagnosis and management