if repeated ALT < 80 IU/L

Last reviewed 01/2018

Repeat LFTS after a further 3 months

  • if normal then no further action is indicated
  • if ALT > 120 IU/L then refer

  • if ALT not resolving
    • repeat LFTs after further 3 months with further blood tests and liver ultrasound:
      • First line blood tests (2):

        • serology for hepatitis B and C
        • serum iron and total iron binding capacity: increased iron load suggests haemochromatosis
        • serum caeruloplasmin levels: decreased levels suggest Wilson's disease
        • serum protein electrophoresis:
          • increase polyclonal immunoglobulin suggests autoimmune hepatitis
          • decreased alpha-globulin suggests alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
        • liver autoimmune serology (especially if female)

        Consider second line blood tests (2):

        • the following investigations should be performed in a patient with asymptomatic elevation of aminotransferase levels who remains undiagnosed despite first-line investigations:
          • alpha-1 antitrypsin phenotyping: a ZZ phenotype is diagnostic of a deficiency state
          • antigliadin and antiendomysial serology: presence indicates coeliac disease
          • creatine kinase and aldolase: elevation indicates muscle disease
    • if blood tests normal then no further action is required
      • if ALT > 80 refer
      • if ALT raised but < 80 IU/L then repeat LFTs at 12 months to ensure that not rising


  1. Pulse (2004); 64 (30):34-6.
  2. Pratt DS, Kaplan MM. Evaluation of abnormal liver-enzyme results in asymptomatic patients. NEJM 2000;342:1266-71