referral criteria from primary care - pain specialist management of neuropathic pain

Last edited 09/2018

Patients should be referred to a specialist in pain management (1):

  • if there is doubt about the diagnosis of neuropathic pain, or,
  • if there has been an inadequate response to treatment of neuropathic pain, or,
  • if other treatments are thought to be required that are not directly available in primary care

NICE suggest consider referring the person to a specialist pain service and/or a condition-specific service at any stage, including at initial presentation and at the regular clinical reviews, if (2):

  • they have severe pain or
  • their pain significantly limits their daily activities and participation or
  • their underlying health condition has deteriorated


  1. GP (July 5th 2004), 45-6.
  2. NICE (March 2010). Neuropathic pain (adults) - pharmacological management
  3. NICE (April 2018). Neuropathic pain (adults) - pharmacological management