benzodiazepines in the treatment of spasticity

Last reviewed 01/2018

  • act via the facilitation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission at various supraspinal levels and in the spinal cord

  • there is evidence from small randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials that diazepam reduced painful muscle spasms and led to a partial resolution of spasticity - however there was no improvement in muscle power (1,2)

  • the sedative effects of diazepam last for less time than the its antispasmodic effects - therefore diazepam (in the treatment of spasticity) is best administered as a single dose at night


  • (1) Wilson LA, McKechnie AA (1966). Oral diazepam in the treatment of spasticity in paraplegia. A double-blind trial and subsequent impressions. Scott Med J, 11, 46-51.
  • (2) Corbett M, Frankel HL, Michaelis L (1972). A double-blind, cross-over trial of valium in the treatment of spasticity. Paraplegia, 10, 19-22.