clonidine in the treatment of menopausal symptoms

Last edited 02/2020

  • there is evidence that clonidine improves the symptoms of menopausal hot flushes in approximately 40% of women (1)

    • clonidine is often used as a first-line treatment in a dose of two or three 25μg tablets twice daily (2)

    • a maximum of 75 micrograms bd or 50mcg tds should be used (3)

    • however side effect with clonidine treatment are common and include dizziness, irritability, nausea and dry mouth

    • interaction with anti-hypertensive drugs and not suitable for patients with baseline low blood pressure

    • must be reduced gradually otherwise causes rebound hypertension (3)

    • dose related side-effects include sleep disturbance in at least 50% of patients, dry mouth nausea and fatigue
    • (3)

The summary of drug characteristics should be consulted before prescribing this drug.


  1. Laufer LR et al (1982). Effect of clonidine on hot flushes in postmenopausal women. Obstet Gynecol, 60, 583-6.
  2. Grady D. Clinical practice. Management of menopausal symptoms. N Engl J Med. 2006;355(22):2338-47.
  3. British Menopause Society. Prescribable alternatives to HRT (Accessed 12/2/2020).
  4. Prescriber (2001), 12, 13 (5), 47-58.