fusidic acid

Last reviewed 01/2018

Fusidic acid is a narrow spectrum antibiotic with a steroid like structure which prevents the translocation step of bacterial peptide synthesis by inhibiting factor G.

Its only indication is infections due to penicillin resistant Staphylococci, especially osteomyelitis since fusidic acid is concentrated in bone. A second antistaphylococcal agent is also required to prevent the development of resistance.


  • liver function tests required


  • rashes
  • reversible jaundice
  • nausea and vomiting

Routes of administration:

  • oral:
    • tablets
    • suspension
  • i.v. infusion

Note that topical preparations of fusidic acid are also available:

  • fusidic acid eye drops - useful treatment for staphylococcal superficial eye infections
  • fusidic acid (in the form of ointment or cream) is available for the treatment of staphylococcal skin infections; preparations of fusidic acid combined with a topical steroid is a useful agent for treatment of infected eczema/dermatitis