clinical features

Last reviewed 09/2021

With milder expressions of the syndrome, the clinical manifestations are subtle. At the other extreme more overt expressions of acute hypocalcaemia may be present:

  • increased neuromuscular excitability:
    • may cause Chvostek's sign, tetany, carpopedal spasms, laryngeal stridor and convulsions

  • mental changes - ranging from irritability to depression and frank psychosis

  • neurological signs suggesting an intracranial tumour with elevated CSF pressure e.g. papilloedema

  • intracranial calcification visualised by skull radiology - particularly, in the basal ganglia

  • calcification of lens, leading to formation of cataracts

  • abnormalities of cardiac conduction - mainly prolonged Q-T intervals and T-wave changes

  • abnormalities of dentition with defective enamel, dental hypoplasia, and delayed eruption of teeth

  • alopecia with premature greying

  • chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is common in autoimmune hypoparathyroidism