aetiology of fatty liver

Last reviewed 11/2022

Causes of macrovacuolar steatosis:

  • very common
    • alcohol – most commonest cause of fatty liver
    • insulin resistence
    • obesity
    • hypertriglyceridemia
  • common
    • hepatitis C
    • medications – corticosteroids, amiodarone, tamoxifen, methotrexate
  • uncommon
    • nutrition
    • parenteral nutrition
    • under-nutrition
    • weight loss
    • extensive resection of the small intestine
  • congenital
    • metabolic overload
    • cystic fibrosis

Casues of microvacuolar steatosis

  • Reye’s syndrome
  • medications - valproate, anti-retroviral medicines
  • acute fatty liver of pregnancy - a rare but potentially fatal condition whose pathogenesis is unknown
  • HELLP syndrome
