other non-drug treatment

Last edited 04/2018 and last reviewed 02/2021

  • self management education
    • main aim is to make patients active partners in their ongoing care and to arm them with knowledge, confidence and skills required to self-manage their disease effectively (1)
    • topics which are covered in this section include: basic information about COPD, strategies to help minimize dyspnoea, advice about when to seek help, decision-making during exacerbation etc.  
  • pulmonary rehabilitation  
    • should be made available to all appropriate patients with COPD (patients who consider themselves functionally disabled by COPD - usually MRC grade 3 and above)  including those who have had a recent hospitalisation for an acute exacerbation
    • is not suitable for patients who are unable to walk, have unstable angina or who have had a recent myocardial infarction
    • it has shown to
      • dyspnoea, health status and exercise tolerance in stable patients
      • reduce hospitalisations among patients who have had a recent exacerbation (≤ 4 weeks from prior hospitalisation) (1,2)
  • interventional therapy
    • surgical
      • lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS)
      • bullectomy
      • lung transplantation have all been used to treat patients with COPD
    • bronchoscopic interventions (1,2)
