
Last reviewed 09/2021

The indications for stoma formation may be divided up according to required function:

  • feeding:
    • enteral route is preferred to parenteral
    • may be initiated pre-/peri-/postoperatively
    • common site is the gastrostomy or jejunostomy
  • decompression:
    • can be performed at any point in the gastrointestinal tract
    • usually temporary
    • may be used for diversion of a faecal stream when a distal anastomosis is at risk from leakage
  • lavage:
    • usually a temporary caecostomy is used for on-table lavage before resecting distal colonic disease
  • exteriorization of bowel:
    • for when bowel resection with primary anastomosis is hazardous
    • makes the treatment of colonic trauma, perforation, ischaemia and obstruction much safer
  • permanent stomas:
    • after panproctocolectomy an ileostomy is formed
    • after abdominoperineal excision of the rectum, a colostomy is formed