
Last reviewed 02/2022

The complications of nephrotic syndrome include:

  • renal vein thrombosis
  • arterial thrombosis
  • infection:
    • patients with nephrotic syndrome are prone to infection with all organisms but especially pneumococcus, particularly pneumococcal peritonitis
    • susceptibility due to loss of IgG and alternative pathway complement components in the urine
    • any infection should be treated early with intravenous broad spectrum bactericidal antibiotics
  • hypovolaemic shock and acute renal failure, with signs of severe renal hypoperfusion leading to temporary oliguria and increasing uraemia:
    • management involves volume replacement followed by diuretics
    • there is a strong case for the administration of antibiotics to cover the possibility that the hypoperfusion may be a result of septicaemia
    • a few patients may deteriorate and require dialysis

  • iron deficiency due to loss of transferrin and iron

  • muscle wasting

  • accelerated atherosclerosis