Argyll-Robertson reaction

Last reviewed 01/2018

The Argyll Robertson reaction is the failure to constrict to light with a retention of the response to near - it is also termed the light-near dissociation. It is encountered in:

  • Argyll-Robertson pupil
  • Adie's syndrome
  • meningitis
  • alcoholism
  • tectal lesions, e.g. pinealoma
  • mesencephalon lesions
  • thalmic lesions

The lesion is presumably near the pre-tectal nucleus where the pupillary fibres from the optic tract run to enter the Edinger Westphal nucleus from the dorsal aspect. The fibres for the accommodative pupillary response come from the occipital lobe via the internal capsule and enter the Edinger Westphal nucleus along a deeper course.