
Last reviewed 01/2023

If the right ventricular pressure is greater than 60 mmHg then treatment is indicated, even if the patient is asymptomatic.

Balloon dilatation of the pulmonary valve is performed during cardiac catheterization. This technique has replaced surgical pulmonary valvotomy as the treatment of choice.

NICE (1) state that:

  • on current evidence on the safety and efficacy of balloon dilatation of pulmonary valve stenosis appears adequate to support the use of this procedure, provided that the normal arrangements are in place for consent, audit and clinical governance
  • balloon dilatation of pulmonary valve stenosis should only be performed in a specialist unit where paediatric cardiac surgery is available

For detailed information then consult the full guidance (1).


  1. NICE guidance (June 2004).Balloon dilatation of pulmonary valve stenosis.