
Last reviewed 08/2021

Risk groups of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) include: (1)

  • overweight (Body Mass Index of 25 to 29.9)
  • obese (Body Mass Index of 30 and above)
  • large neck sizes: 17 inches or more for men, 16 inches or more for women
  • middle-aged and older men
  • post-menopausal women
  • abnormalities of the bony and soft tissue structure of the head and neck
  • adults and children with Down Syndrome
  • children with large tonsils and adenoids
  • a family history of OSA
  • narrow pharyngeal lumen
  • COAD

Aetiological factors include:

  • conditions causing an encroachment on the pharynx
  • conditions causing nasal obstruction
  • drug induced respiratory depression
