Last reviewed 01/2018
- foetal lymphocytes are used for chromosome counting
- cordocentesis is diagnostic where a chromosomal disorder is suspected e.g. Down's syndrome
Rhesus iso-immunization:
- analysis of foetal haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration are better predictors of outcome than liquor bilirubin concentraition especially if the cordocentesis is performed in the third trimester
- normal values are: [Hb] 15 g/l and haematocrit 40-45%
- a fall in these parameters may indicate the need for an umbilical transfusion of group O, Rh negative blood
Growth retardation:
- cordocentesis allows the measurement of foetal blood pH, pO2, pCO2, bicarbonate, glucose and lactate
Virus infection:
- IgM radioimmunoassay of foetal blood allows detection of rubella virus, CMV and toxoplasmosis